Challenges and Strategies, Logistics and Manufacturing AKJAutomotive, AUDI,, BMW, Bosch, Continental, DaimlerChrysler, Delpi, Ford, Gedas, General Motors, Hella, Kautex, Magnadrivetrain, IPL Prof. Schmidt, ITESM, Ryder, QUAD/HP, Schaefer-Sistemas, Seglo, Siemens, Toyota Motorsports, UDLA, UPAEP, UNAM, Valeo, Volkswagen, Others.
Conference languages spanish and english.
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Panel D Challenges Logistics and Production Moderators: Dr. Klaus-J. Schmidt (IPL/AKJ) and Victor Lopez.
Alfredo de la Garza, Manufacturing Planning Manager, Ford Motor Company Best Practices in Automotive Plant Scoring- Strategies and activities to achieve pole position in production and logistics. ----- Dr. Georg Richartz, Director Purchasing & Logistics, VW Poznan, Poland Development regional Supplier Bases - Strategies and results in Poland to achieve a best position in the european automotive industry. ----- Break and exhibition
Panel E Challenge Logistics and Production Moderation: Pol van Eyghen (FITT) and Enrique Ochoa (PriceWaterhouseCoopers)
12:20 12:30 13:00
Tom Rucker, General Manager, Magnadrivetrain, Coahoila Manufacturing Design in Mexico - Strategies and Solutions in Design and Optimization of Manaufacturing Plants from Magna. ----- Eckart Miessner, Director General, Hella Mèxico, Estado de Mexico Collaboration strategies with OEM and Suppliers - Concepts and consequences to internal to the Hella plants. ----- Jorge Salas, Cross-Border Operations Director, Ryder, USA/Mexico Logistics Services Strategies - Strategies of Ryder to support the automotive industry (OEMs and Suppliers) ----- End of lectures Panel E Quick Lunch and visit exhibition Start with tours [More...]
Panel F Challenge Logistics and IT Moderation: Jesus Ascensio (DaimlerChrysler) and Peter Zeilinger (BMW)
12:20 12:30 13:15
Klaus Ulrich Ruemler, Vice President, Gedas, Puebla Supply Chain Integration - Collaboration tier-1 to tier-n suppliers with stand alone and ERP-integrated web-Platforms. ----- Florian Kotz, Project Manager, DaimlerChrysler, SCM, Untertürkheim eChain - Collaboration strategies and solutions to achieve more efficency and integration in development chain. ----- Oscar Alvarez, Sales Director, QAD(MFG/PRO)/HP, México City IT in Automotive - Automotive Processes and Collaboration platforms in the supply chain OEM-tier1-tiern ----- End of lectures Panel F Quick Lunch and visit exhibition Start of tours [More...]