Speeches & Plant Tours

17th of March 2016 - Schedule 1st day

WCM & Industry 4.0 - Digitalize all processes
Conference center in Hotel Mons, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference language 17th and 18th of March is english

08:00 Opening Conference Office
Registration and vistit exhibition
08:30 Welcome and Introduction

Gertrud Rantzen
Managing Director of the German-Slowenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Schmidt
CSO Institut für Produktions- und Logistiksysteme, Board Member of AKJ Automotive and GfPM e.V.
08:45 Dr. Thorsten Widmer
Vice President Manufacturing Coordination, ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, Stuttgart
The added value of industry 4.0 in a integrated Production System
Integration of Industrie 4.0 in the Bosch Produktionssystem
09:25 Dr. Till Potente, Manager Operational Excellence Lighting, Hella, Lippstadt
Operational Excellence & Industry 4.0 - The way of Hella to achieve
Operational Excellence and integration of useful elements of industry 4.0
10:05 Coffee Break & Networking
10:30 Werner Hintzen, Manager, Grupo Antolin, Sailauf (DE)
Value Stream Management & Industry 4.0 - Enhancement to an
integrated operational Supply Chain tool using Big Data.
11:10 Peter Kukovica, Member of the Management Board in charge of
supply chain management/ logistics, quality, organization, and IT
Gorenje, d.d., Velenje (Slovenia)
Supply Chain Management in Gorenje, dd
11:50 Lunch & Networking (Hotel Mons in Ljubljana)
13:00 Departure from Hotel Mons to company
Transfer to the location is on your own.

17th of March 2016 - Schedule 1st day - afternoon

Meeting of the participants in the premises of the company Akrapovic, d.d.
Akrapovic, d.d.

Ulica Heroja Stariha 24, SI-8340 Crnomelj, Slovenia

14:15 Meeting of the participants in the premises
of the company Akrapovic, d.d.

Ulica Heroja Stariha 24, SI-8340 Crnomelj, Slovenia
14:15 Welcome and introduction of the company

Plant presentation
Company and products
- Supply chain and production

Plant tour in groups
Production, assembly
- logistics and services
16:15 Final statements of the first conference day in the plant
16:30 End of the first conference day

18th of March 2016 - Schedule 2nd day

WCM & Industry 4.0 - Digitalize all processes
Examples of best practice – in the company Gorenje, d.d. in Velenje

08:30 Meeting at the premises of the company Gorenje, d.d.
Partizanska 12, SI-3320 Velenje, Slovenia
Transfer to the location is on your own.
08:45 Welcome and introduction of the company
08:50 Michael Reinig,
Managing Director
Schaeffler Group - Automotive
09:30 Plant presentation
Company and products
- Supply chain and production

Plant tour in groups:
Production, assembly
- Logistics and services
11:00 Feedback & final statements
11:15 End of the Conference
