Speakers, Moderators

Speakers/Moderators organized by Prof. Schmidt

Thomas Bittighofer, AUDI, Germany

Roberto Eggeling, Volkswagen, Spain

Manfred Janke, Bosch, Germany

Horst Kuhn, Daimler/IPL, Germany

Peter Kovse, Odelo, Slovenia

Andrea Lochmahr, Germany

Klaus Minninger, Ford/HTW

Klaus Jürgen Schmidt, IPL/HTW/FITT

Peter Schonefeld, SchmitzCargobull, Germany

Levente Tibori, SMR, Hungary/India

Pol van Eyghen, FITT, Germany

Matías Yarza, Seglo, Mexico

Speakers/Moderators organized by Tec de Monterrey

Please look at the website of the AIAC-onfenrence
where the topics of the AKJ Automotive will be integrated.

The speakers and moderators stand for current, future strategies, solutions and best practices to improve the supply chain internal and to their partners. Speakers from the Sessions AKJ Automotive from AUDI Germany, Bosch, CeDIAM, FITT, IPL, ITESM, Odelo, Schmitz-Cargobull, SMR Hungary/India, Volkswagen Pamplona, Volkswagen Puebla and additional companies/institutions

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